
Warm Vs Cool Mist Humidifier For Asthma—which Is Better?

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Warm Vs Cool Mist Humidifier For Asthma
Warm Vs Cool Mist Humidifier For Asthma

A humidifier is one tool you must have if you have asthma. This is because too little indoor humidity can lead to dry air, causing irritation in your throat and nasal passages.

More so, dry air puts stress on the delicate mucus membrane. This increases your susceptibility to allergens and airborne irritants, which can cause a cold and aggravate your asthma.

However, when opting for a humidifier, one crucial factor is whether you want a cool or warm mist model.

Even though both are equally effective in moisturizing the air, as an asthmatic, you may benefit more from the model than the other.

So Warm vs Cool Mist humidifier for asthma, which is better?

Here, I compare the benefits and drawbacks of each type of humidifier, breaking down the main differences and explaining which model is better for asthma.

So read on…

What’s the purpose of a humidifier?

The principal objective of a humidifier, either a cool mist or a warm mist, is to disperse moisture into indoor air to improve your breathing.

Dry air significantly impacts your respiratory system— It irritates your lungs and airways and makes breathing challenging.

Moreover, dryness is known to cause nosebleeds, cracked skin and lips, and damage to your wooden floors and furniture.

A humidifier aims to eliminate all these by raising indoor humidity to an optimal level safe for you and your household.

The Ideal humidity Levels

Experts say the recommended relative humidity level is 30 to 50%. Humidity below 30% can cause dryness, leading to the abovementioned issues.

On the other hand, above 50% is termed over-humidification and can lead to excess moisture indoors, which is perfect for breeding mold, bacteria, mildew, and other airborne allergens.

A 30 to 50% humidity level should be your goal as an asthma sufferer.

What are the differences between a Warm mist and a Cool mist Humidifier?

In warm mist humidifiers, the mechanics are straightforward. They include an internal heating element that heats water, turns it into vapor, and then releases it into the air as warm vapor.

Alternatively, cool mist humidifiers disperse cool mist into the air by drawing moist air through a wet wick, filter, or belt with the aid of a fan.

Warm mist humidifiers add warmth to the air and are a good choice for those too sensitive to cool air.

This is particularly beneficial in winter and colder months when you need a warm mist humidifier to provide a warm and cozy environment.

Whereas, Cool mist humidifiers are more suitable for warmer months. They can cool the room they’re in, making them an excellent choice for hot, dry climates.

Additionally, Cool mist humidifiers use fans for vaporization; as a result, it produces more noise output and square footage than their Warm mist counterpart.

Furthermore, Warm mist humidifiers feature a heating unit, consuming more energy.

Whereas, Cool mist lacks a heating system and is more energy-efficient.

Is a cool mist or warm mist humidifier better for asthma?

Both Cool mist and Warm mist humidifiers are good at providing the indoor humidification that you need.

But the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that Warm moisture can cause nasal passages to swell, making breathing difficult. This is more significant in kids, especially infants with colds and coughs.

And assuming your allergies, asthma, or breathing issue is connected to coughs or colds, you have a kid with asthma, or you are an asthmatic mum, a warm mist humidifier is not an ideal solution for you.

The best humidifier for asthma and allergies should be able to reduce swellings of respiratory passages.

And this is what Cool mist humidifiers do. So if you have asthma or allergies, the cool mist humidifier is better suited for easing your symptoms.

A Cool mist humidifier reduces such swellings by shrinking the nasal passages. In addition, they can also offer soothing relief when the airway feels inflamed from an asthmatic reaction.

And this helps ease asthma manifestations so you can breathe without wheezing. Check out this best five humidifiers for effectively managing your wheezing.

Pros and Cons of Humidifiers

Benefits of Warm Mist Humidifiers

  • Features an internal heating unit. Hence, it’s effective at reducing mold, bacteria, and germs.
  • Warm mist humidifiers offer quiet operation.
  • Generally less expensive than the Cool mist option.
  • Medical inhalants can be added to the water to ease breathing difficulty.

Disadvantages of Warm Mist Humidifiers

  • Hot steam can pose a safety hazard for children and pets.
  • Warm Mist humidifiers might cause the swelling of nasal passages making breathing more. Hence are not ideal for coughs and colds.
  • Warm humidifiers use a heating unit and thus consume more energy.
  • Low energy efficiency.
  • More difficult to clean and maintain

Benefits of Cool Mist Humidifiers

  • Cool mist models disperse cool vapor and are safe for kids and pets.
  • Since no heating is involved, they’re energy efficient.
  • Easy to clean and maintain.
  • Filters waterborne impurities.
  • Cool mist humidifiers help to alleviate asthma and allergy symptoms.

Disadvantages of Cool Mist Humidifiers

  • One drawback is that cool mist humidifiers are a bit noisier, which can be an issue for light sleepers.
  • A significant downside is that Cool mist humidifiers can quickly accumulate bacteria and mold growth if improperly maintained.
  • Accumulate mineral dust quickly.
  • Plus, cool mist air isn’t ideal for colder weather conditions.


Cool mist humidifiers are generally considered safer and more energy efficient.

In addition, they can cool the room they’re in, making them an excellent choice for hot, dry climates. While Warm mists, on the other hand, are a better option in colder climates.

However, Cool mist humidifiers are better for asthma. They improve your asthma symptoms by relieving the discomfort from your inflamed airways; reducing swellings of nasal passages.

Ultimately, choosing between cool mist and warm mist humidifiers depends on your specific needs and preferences as an asthmatic.

But if you can’t decide, go with the cool mist and warm mist humidifier combo, a standalone humidifier that offers both functions.