
Is a humidifier good for asthma?

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Is a humidifier good for asthma?
Is a humidifier good for asthma?

Is a humidifier good for asthma? With the seasonal changes in humidity levels, there’s a tendency for you to experience low or high moisture in your home at one point or the other.

And for many people, especially asthmatics and allergy sufferers, this relative humidity change could translate to improved or worsened breathing.

A humidifier comes in handy at this point.

A humidifier, thus, can be a beneficial tool to reduce your asthma flares if you use it appropriately.

It supplies the vapour required to moisturise the mucous membrane so you can breathe adequately and effectively.

What is a humidifier, and how does it work?

A humidifier is an electrical appliance that helps improve a room’s humidity by supplying vapour into the air.

Humidifiers eject water vapour using different mechanisms. While some use high-speed rotating disks, some use fans.

And in some advanced humidifiers, ultrasonic disks are to create water droplets.

Based on the involvement of heat in the mist-producing process, humidifiers are of two types; cool mist humidifiers and warm mist humidifiers.

Does humidity make asthma worse?

As much as humidity is known for improving asthma symptoms, It can also lead to terrible asthma attacks if not well-managed.

And how is that so?

If you’re the kind of person, who is less concerned about the moisture levels in your room…

Or you use…

A humidifier unmonitored…

Such situations can be dangerous to your health cos the levels of moisture in your home’s air may, at some point, exceed the normal levels.

And it most likely would result in over-humidification, which is quite dangerous to your health as an asthma patient.

Does humidity make asthma worse?
Does humidity make asthma worse?

The resultant overly humid condition creates a rich environment for bacteria, dust mites, spores, moulds, and other allergens to grow in your home.

When this happens, it is almost sure it will flare up your allergies and asthma.

Also, suppose you always use mineralised or tap water and fail to wash your humidifier regularly.

In that case, it can cause the accumulation of mineral deposits in the form of white scaly substances.

These minerals promote the growth of these pathogens. Also, they are released as white dust into the air.

The dust settles on surfaces, creating an eyesore and posing severe health risks.

Hence it would be best if you were diligent in washing your humidifier and always use it with distilled water.

When the humidifier works and discharges these infected vapours into the atmosphere, you inhale it, and the pathogens infect your airways or sinus cavity, triggering asthma or allergy attack.

If you’re immunosuppressed or suffer from advanced allergies, this could be detrimental to your health.

So, you need to…

Wash your humidifier consistently with a mild dishwasher to prevent the buildup of germs.

Always use distilled or demineralized water in your humidifier tank. Distilled water will prevent the growth of germs.

What is the best humidity level for your room?

Some experts recommend a humidity level of 40%. To corroborate this fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends 30 to 50% indoor humidity levels in your home.

The best humidity levels for your home

Too low or too high humidity negatively impacts your breathing. So to ensure you stay within the standard humidity thresholds, you must constantly check on your humidity.

You can…

Install a digital thermostat, hygrometer, or humidistat in different parts of your home. These devices are the simplest means of monitoring your home’s humidity.


Most humidifiers and dehumidifiers come with sensors that help you check and manage your moisture levels.

Is a warm or cool humidifier better for asthma?

Warm mist and cool mist humidifiers are equally effective in vaporizing the air…


There are a few pros and cons associated with using both humidifiers that you should know as an allergy or asthma patient.

You should check out the upsides and downsides of each of them before deciding on which one to get.

Warm Mist Humidifiers

As the name suggests, a warm mist humidifier boils water to mist. The vapour cools while being released into the air.

This sterilizing effect makes it slightly more advantageous than the cool mist humidifier. In that, the steam kills germs and prevents bacteria and moulds buildup.

Also, a warm mist humidifier is more affordable. It’s quieter and creates a pleasant atmosphere during cold, dry seasons.

BUT, there’re several drawbacks to the use of these humidifiers…

The hot steam from a warm mist humidifier could cause severe steam burns if not handled with utmost care.

So, if you have kids and pets, you’d want to keep the humidifier out of their reach.

Another significant drawback to this device is that it isn’t recommended for colds as it causes the nasal passages to swell.

Hence, the Environmental Protection Agency kicks against using a warm mist humidifier for cold and cough.

Cool Mist Humidifiers

Contrary to what its name suggests, a cool mist humidifier releases vapour into the air at room temperature.

This humidifier is safer to use with your kids and pet around. Plus, it has a longer lifespan than the warm mist model.

Also, this appliance is known for its low energy consumption and also more affordable than the warm mist models.

However, cool mist humidifiers have a few cons you should know…

The fans in these humidifiers tend to be louder than the ones in warm mist humidifiers.

A massive drawback to these humidifiers is that they’re prone to bacterial and mould accumulation if they are not adequately maintained.

Using mineralized water can also foster the growth of disease-causing organisms in its water tank.

Is a cool mist humidifier good for asthma?

A cool mist humidifier is good for asthma. In addition, it’s highly beneficial for coughs and colds.

And so…

If your asthma or allergies is associated with those symptoms, the cool mist humidifier should be your preferred choice.

This device supplies your nasal airways with enough moisture so that the water droplets moisturize the epithelial linens and keep them healthy.

Therefore, your nasal passages can perform optimally and supply adequate air to your lungs.

Can a cool air humidifier make asthma worse?

Unlike a warm mist humidifier, where a heating unit is present and produces the mist, a cool mist humidifier lacks this component.

And as a result, there is a high chance of bacterial and mould accumulation if you fail to wash it consistently.

Using mineralized water in this humidifier can also promote the growth of pathogens in its water tank.

To stop this from occurring you need to change the water in the tank regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

Also, you must wash the humidifier thoroughly with a mild detergent and allow it to dry before refilling it.

Lastly, always use distilled water in a cool mist humidifier.

Are humidifiers or dehumidifiers better for asthma?

Unlike a humidifier which supplies the air with moisture, dehumidifier, on the other hand, are appliances that suck in vapour.

Both are good for asthma and can also be bad for your asthma and allergies…

BUT it all depends on how you use them…

Your ultimate aim should be to maintain your in-house moisture level at the ideal state.

To achieve this…

Once you notice a significant drop in relative humidity, switch on your humidifier and eject enough vapour into the air.

On the flip side…

If you notice a massive volume of indoor moisture above the recommended levels, turn on the dehumidifier to rid the air of the excess water droplets.

Both humidifiers and dehumidifiers take care of both sides of the coin and maintain the recommended humidity thresholds of 30 to 50%. But, again, this can’t be over-emphasized.


To answer the question, Is a humidifier good for asthma? Yes, a humidifier is an excellent tool for asthma. However, the cool mist humidifier is better suited for coughs and colds.

However, to get optimal performance from a humidifier, you must adequately care for the appliance to prevent germs infestation.

And it would be best if you used a humidifier appropriately to avoid the release of too much vapour into the air.

Frequently Asked Question

Are dehumidifiers good for asthma?

Yes, dehumidifiers are good for asthma. In overly humid air, moulds and bacteria thrive.

Too much moisture is bad for asthma, as these pathogens tend to trigger an asthma attack in many people.

Getting a dehumidifier installed in your home prevents these from happening…

It clears the air of excess moisture and creates an unfavourable condition that inhibits or prevents the growth of these pathogens.

Does sleeping with a humidifier help asthma?

Yes, a humidifier does help asthmatics with their sleep…It creates a soothing humid atmosphere in your room that relieves you of the asthma stress. Under such conditions, it gives you the sound sleep that you desire.