Are you tired of coughing your lungs out every time you try to sleep?
Are you clearing your throat, struggling to breathe, and feeling miserable all day?
It’s time to take complete control of your health and find relief from your dry cough.
A humidifier can be a turning point if you suffer from cough, asthma, or allergies.
In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use a humidifier for dry cough relief…
And specifically for those who suffer from cough variant asthma and allergies.
Read on to uncover more about how humidifiers work and how to choose the best one for your needs.
So, let’s get started!
What Is a Dry Cough?

A dry cough doesn’t produce any mucus or phlegm.
It’s usually caused by an irritation in the throat, such as allergies, asthma, or a viral infection.
It can also result from viral infections like the common cold.
In some cases, a dry cough can be a side effect of medication.
A dry cough can be persistent and uncomfortable and may worsen at night or when lying down.
It’s essential to treat the underlying cause of a dry cough to relieve the symptoms. And prevent further complications.
Dry Cough Symptoms
A dry cough can cause throat irritation and soreness.
It can also cause fatigue and difficulty breathing.
A dry cough can cause a tickling sensation in the throat, sore throat, and chest tightness. (Cleveland Clinic).
In some cases, dry coughs can lead to chest pain.
Is a Humidifier Good For Dry Cough?
Yes, a humidifier can be very helpful in relieving a dry cough.
Dry coughs are often caused by dry air, and a humidifier can add moisture to the atmosphere.
This can help soothe the throat and reduce irritation.
By supplying moisture to the air, a humidifier can also help you to loosen mucus in your nasal airways. Making it easier to cough up and clear out.
Keeping the humidifier clean is necessary…
To prevent breeding of bacteria and mold, which can worsen respiratory symptoms.
See a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment… Especially if your cough persists or worsens.
What type of humidifier is good for dry cough?
Several types of humidifiers are available, but for relieving dry cough…
The best options are generally cool mist or warm mist humidifiers.
Cool mist humidifiers have a fan that blows air through a moistened filter or wick.
This evaporates and disperses cool mist into the air.
This humidifier is generally safer for children and pets, as there is no risk of burns from hot water or steam.
It’s also a good option for those living in warmer climates or during summer.
In contrast…
Warm mist humidifiers heat water to produce steam, which is then released into the air.
This humidifier can be more effective in relieving congestion and coughs. Warm mist can help loosen mucus in the airways.
But cool mist humidifiers are the best for coughs that come with a cold. A warm mist might worsen it.
But, they need more maintenance, as…
The heating element needs frequent cleaning to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Choosing between a cool mist or warm mist humidifier depends on personal preference.
And the specific needs of the individual.
It’s crucial to choose a high-quality humidifier that is easy to clean and maintain…
It helps ensure optimal performance and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.
What should a humidifier be set for cough?
When using it to help relieve cough symptoms, the ideal humidity level for a humidifier is between 30% to 50%.
This humidity level can help soothe your throat…
And reduce irritation while helping to loosen mucus in the airways.
But it’s important not to set the humidity level too high…
Excess humidity can promote the breeding of mold and bacteria, worsening respiratory symptoms.
In such instances, a dehumidifier can come in handy, as it can help remove excess moisture.
But at the same time, you want to avoid the humidity level getting two low.
This is because humidity below 30% can cause dry air, further exacerbating your symptoms.
However, both humidifiers and dehumidifiers are excellent tools to ease your coughs.
This depends on the nature and cause of the cough.
Click here for a more comprehensive guide for humidifiers or dehumidifiers for cough
Now that said…
It would be best if you kept the humidifier clean always. And change the water at the right time.
This prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms in the water tank.
Using a Humidifier for Dry Cough
How a Humidifier Helps with Dry Cough
A humidifier adds moisture to your home’s air, which can help ease a dry cough…
When the air is dry, your throat and nasal passages dry up and irritate you, leading to a persistent cough.
A humidifier can help to ease these symptoms by dispersing moisture into the air.
The inhaled mist reduces inflammation and irritation in your throat and airways…
Which can soothe your throat and reduce the need to cough.
Additionally, a humidifier can help to thin out the mucus in your airways.
And make it easier to cough up and clear out of your system.
This can be especially useful if you have a productive cough accompanied by phlegm or mucus.
All in all…
Using a humidifier can be a simple and effective way to ease the discomfort of a dry cough…
And promote better respiratory health.
Ideal Humidity Level
Keep humidity levels between 30-50% to prevent bacteria growth.
Best Practices for Using a Humidifier for Dry Cough
To get the most out of your humidifier, follow these best practices:
- Only use distilled or demineralized water to reduce bacterial growth.
- Replace the water every day. And clean the humidifier every three days to help remove mineral deposits.
- Change the filter once it’s due for a replacement.
- Keep the area surrounding the humidifier dry.
- Keep the humidifier in a clean, dry place.
Benefits of a Humidifier for Dry Cough
Relieves Dryness
Humidifiers add moisture to dry air, reducing throat dryness and irritation.
Moist air can help soothe inflamed tissues in your throat and ease coughing.
Using a humidifier can also prevent dry skin and nosebleeds.
Reduces Irritation
Humidifiers can reduce throat and nasal irritation caused by dry air.
Besides, moist air can help loosen mucus and ease congestion.
Using a humidifier can also reduce snoring and improve sleep quality.
What to put in a humidifier for dry cough
When using a humidifier for dry coughs…
You can also add certain substances to the water. To help soothe the throat and relieve coughing symptoms. Here’re some options:
- Essential oils: Add a few drops of aromatic oils, such as peppermint or eucalyptus, to the water. They can help to open up the airways and relieve congestion.
- Salt: Adding a pinch of salt to the water can be helpful. It reduces inflammation and soothes the throat.
- Honey: Adding a small amount of honey to the water can help to soothe the throat and reduce coughing.
- Vapor rub: Some humidifiers come with a compartment for vapor rub. You can add vapor rub to the water to help relieve congestion and coughing.
It’s important to note that not all humidifiers are compatible with these additives.
So be sure to check and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to Choose the Right Humidifier
Room Size
Choose a humidifier appropriate for the size of the room you plan to use it in.
A small humidifier is suitable for a bedroom. At the same time, a larger one is ideal for a living room or open space.
Measure the square footage of the room to determine size.
- Small rooms: 100 sq. ft. or less
- Medium rooms: 100-300 sq. ft.
- Large rooms: 300 sq. ft. or more
Use distilled or demineralized water to reduce mold and bacterial growth.
Change the water daily and clean it every 3 days to remove mineral deposits.
- Remove mineral deposits with a 3% hydrogen peroxide. But be careful. Breathing in hydrogen peroxide can trigger your symptoms if you have asthma. Hence, it is advised against using hydrogen peroxide in humidifiers for asthma.
- Always the tank after treatment to prevent harmful chemicals from becoming airborne.
It’s important to note that not all humidifiers are compatible with these additives.
So to be sure…
Check the manufacturer’s instructions before adding anything to the water.
Additionally, clean the humidifier as often as possible…
To prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.
Ensure the humidifier you choose has safety features such as an automatic shut-off…
To prevent damage when the water runs out or a cool mist option to avoid burns.
Keep the humidifier away from children to avoid accidents.
By considering the size of your room and ensuring the safety of your humidifier…
You can choose the right one to ease your dry cough.
You now know that using a humidifier can be beneficial for dry coughs.
It can add moisture to the air, which can help relieve your throat and reduce coughing.
Humidifiers can also help with other respiratory symptoms, such as congestion and snoring.
Using your humidifier the proper way is vital to avoid potential risks…
Such as mold growth or over-humidification.
Remember to clean your humidifier often. And use distilled or demineralized water to avoid mineral buildup.
If you have any concerns about using a humidifier, consult your healthcare provider.