Air Purifiers

Do Air Purifiers Kill Viruses? The Ultimate Truth Revealed

Home » Air Purifiers » Do Air Purifiers Kill Viruses? The Ultimate Truth Revealed

Are you wondering if air purifiers can kill viruses? Or are you just tired of constantly worrying about the air you breathe?

If you relate to this, you have come to the right place.

With the current state of the world, it’s natural to want to take extra precautions to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.

Air purifiers have been around for years. But their popularity has recently skyrocketed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the question on your mind: do air purifiers kill viruses?

But we won’t stop there.

We’ll also look into the science of air purification. And explore the effectiveness of air purifiers in eliminating viruses.

In addition…

We’ll be looking at the different types of air purifiers available and how they work…

As well as examining the research behind their effectiveness against viruses.

Let’s get started!

Can Air Purifiers Kill Viruses?

The short answer is that it depends on the type of air purifier you have.

Some air purifiers use HEPA filters designed to capture particles as small as viruses.

But simply capturing viruses doesn’t necessarily mean they are killed.

These air purifiers use filters to remove particles from the air.

But, these filters may not be able to capture all viruses, especially smaller ones.

In addition…

Some air purifiers use UV-C light or other technologies that are specifically designed to kill viruses and other harmful particles.

Still, this technology isn’t foolproof and may only be effective against some viruses.


Air purifiers should not be relied upon as the sole virus protection method…

To maximize the performance of air purifiers against viruses, there are other measures you must take.

You’ll learn more about that soon.

How Air Purifiers Work

Air purifiers use a fan to suck in air and one or more filters to capture pollutants and particles.

There are different types of air purifiers, including:

Types of Air Purifiers

  1. HEPA filters can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, including viruses.
  2. UV-C light air purifiers use ultraviolet (UV) light to kill viruses and bacteria.
  3. Ionizers: These air purifiers use ions to attract and capture particles, including viruses.

Studies have shown that air purifiers can help reduce the spread of viruses in the air.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection found that…

A HEPA air purifier significantly reduced the amount of airborne viruses in a hospital room.

How Effective Are Air Purifiers Against Viruses?

Studies on Air Purifiers

According to studies, some air purifiers can effectively capture and kill viruses in the air.

One study found that a HEPA filter coated with an antiviral agent is effective against viruses…

They remove 85.38% to over 99.97% of infectious SARS-CoV-2.

But this depends on the ventilation volume.

Another study found that a portable air cleaner can reduce airborne influenza virus by up to 60%.

HEPA filters can capture a big chunk of viruses, somewhere in the high ninetieth percentile.

But they may not be 100% effective on a single pass.

Other technologies, such as 222 nm UVC, have shown promising results in clinical trials…

But more research is needed to determine their effectiveness in real-world settings.

Virus Kill Rates

The most effective air purifiers for virus protection are those with HEPA filters, UV-C light, or both.

HEPA filters can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, including most viruses.

UV-C light can kill viruses by damaging their DNA.

Air purifiers with HEPA filters and UV-C light can provide even more excellent virus protection.

If you’re tired of battling viral infection and want to prevent its recurrence, here is my post on the best air purifier for viruses.

Limitations of Air Purifiers

Why Air Purifiers Should Not Be Solely Relied Upon

There are several reasons why you shouldn’t use air purifiers as the only means of protection against viruses.

First, air purifiers may be unable to remove all viruses from the air.

Second, air purifiers may not be able to kill viruses on surfaces.

Third, air purifiers cannot remove viruses already in your body.

It is important to use many methods of protection to reduce the spread of viruses.

Besides using an air purifier…

You should also wear a mask, wash your hands often, practice social distancing…

And also avoid crowds or poorly ventilated spaces.

In conclusion, air purifiers can help reduce the spread of viruses. But you shouldn’t rely on them as the sole protection method.

In summary, you should use many protection methods.

And follow recommended virus prevention guidelines to protect yourself from viral infections.

Other Measures for Virus Protection

To protect yourself from viruses, air purifiers don’t use it as the only method.

There are some more measures you can take:

  • Wear a mask to prevent the spread of droplets from your mouth and nose.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from others.
  • Avoid crowds or poorly ventilated spaces.

Although air purifiers offer more levels of protection, their effectiveness is limited in comparison to other strategies.

These measures will play a much more significant role in keeping you safe than air purifiers alone.

It’s important to note that air purifiers can only kill viruses in the air, not on surfaces.

You must note that some air purifiers are better than others at eliminating viruses.

The most effective air purifiers for killing viruses are those with HEPA filters and UV-C light technology.

Studies have shown that air purifiers with HEPA filters and UV-C light technology can effectively kill viruses…

Including the flu and coronavirus.

Are There Other Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Yes, there are other ways to improve indoor air quality.

Opening windows and doors to increase ventilation can help remove viruses from the air.

Using a humidifier can also help, as viruses thrive in dry air.


Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces regularly can also help prevent the spread of viruses.

Air purifiers can help capture and remove viruses from the air, but they are not a foolproof solution.

When combined with other methods…

Air purifiers can improve indoor air quality and provide a safer environment for you and your family.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, air purifiers can effectively remove viruses from the air, including COVID-19.

Although certain air purifiers can capture and eliminate viruses present in the air…

It’s important to note that not all devices have the same effectiveness.


It’s important to choose an air purifier designed to remove viruses. And use it correctly to maximize its effectiveness.

That being said…

Air purifiers can be a powerful tool in the fight against COVID-19 and other viruses.

Removing harmful particles from the air can help reduce the risk of infection…

Thus, keeping you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

For better results…

Don not depend on it as the only method against viruses.

Other measures, such as wearing masks and practicing good hygiene, should also be taken…

To reduce the risk of infection.

When choosing an air purifier, look for one with a HEPA filter and consider the size of the room you’ll use it in.

Also, keep in mind that…

Air purifiers may produce noise and need regular maintenance, such as filter replacement.

Air purifiers can be a helpful tool in reducing the spread of viruses.

But you should combine it with other preventative measures for the best results.