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Do Air Purifiers Help With Smell? Here Is The Truth

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Are you tired of unpleasant odors lingering in your home or office?

Do you constantly reach for air fresheners or candles to mask the smell?

If so, you may be wondering if an air purifier can help.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the question, “Do air purifiers help with smell?”

And also provide all the facts you need to decide whether an air purifier is the right solution for you.

So, sit back, breathe easy, and let’s get started! 

Do Smells Trigger Asthma?

If you have asthma, you know that certain smells can trigger your symptoms.

Common triggers include perfumes, air fresheners, and cleaning products.

Strong odors from cooking or smoking can also cause problems.

According to, strong odors from perfumes, household or industrial cleaners, air fresheners, and nail polishes and removers can trigger asthma symptoms.

So, you must be aware of the smells in your environment.

What Causes Bad Smell?

If you’re wondering why your home has a bad smell, there’re several sources of odor that you should be aware of.

Sources of Odor

One of the most common sources of odor is cooking.

When you cook, the food releases particles into the air that can cause a bad smell.

Another source of odor is pets. If you have pets, their dander and urine can cause a foul smell.

Household items such as carpets, furniture, and curtains can also be odor sources.

Over time, these items can absorb odors and release them back into the air.

Lastly, poor ventilation can also cause bad smells in your home.

When there’s not enough fresh air circulating, odors can become trapped and linger.

Will Air Purifiers Help with Smell?

Yes, air purifiers can help with removing odors and improving air quality.

Air purifiers filter and remove particles, including pollutants, allergens, and odors.

Some air purifiers have activated carbon filters designed to absorb and eliminate odors.

These filters contain activated carbon, a porous material that can absorb and trap odors and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. 


It’s important to note that the effectiveness of an air purifier in removing odors depends on the odor’s type and strength and the air purifier’s size and type.

How long does it take for an air purifier to get rid of smells?

If you’re dealing with unpleasant smells in your home, an air purifier can help.

But how long does it actually take for an air purifier to get rid of smell?

It hinges on several factors, such as the room’s size and the odor’s strength. 

Generally, an air purifier can take a few hours to eliminate the smell completely.

What are the best air purifiers for getting rid of smell?

When choosing an air purifier for odor elimination, look for one with a high CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) rating.

Some of the best air purifiers for eliminating smell include the RabbitAir MinusA2, Coway AP-1512HH, and Winix 5500-2.

Be sure to choose an air purifier with the appropriate room size rating for your space.

In summary, air purifiers can help eliminate bad smells in your home.

The time it takes to eliminate the smell depends on several factors and the air purifier’s effectiveness, depending on the model you choose.

Consider investing in an air purifier to improve the air quality in your home and eliminate unpleasant odors.

How do air purifiers work to get rid of smell?

Air purifiers use a combination of filtration methods to remove pollutants from the air, including odors and smells.

The most common types of filters used in air purifiers are HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and ionizers.

HEPA filters capture tiny particles in the air, including allergens, dust, and pet dander.

These filters are made from a dense fiber mesh that traps particles that pass through them. 

Activated carbon filters are invented to remove odors and smell from the air.

They work by adsorbing (not absorbing) the odor molecules onto the surface of the carbon filter.

This process effectively removes the odor from the air.

Ionizers work by emitting negatively charged ions into the air.

These ions attach to positively charged particles in the air, such as dust and allergens, causing them to become heavy and fall to the ground.

This process can also help to remove odors from the air, as the ions attach to odor molecules and neutralize them.


Air purifiers can be an effective way to remove smells and odors from the air in your home or office.

However, choosing an air purifier with the right combination of filters is essential to meet your specific needs.

Effectiveness of Air Purifiers for Smell

Air purifiers can help reduce bad smells in your home, but their effectiveness depends on several factors.

First, the air purifier’s size should match the room’s size.

If the air purifier is too small, it won’t be able to circulate enough air to remove all the odors.

Second, the type of filter used in the purifier is critical.

For example…

HEPA filters can remove some odors, but activated carbon filters are more effective.

Finally, the source of the odor should be identified and removed if possible.

Air purifiers can only do so much if there is a constant source of bad smells in the room.

Lastly, air purifiers can help with bad smells…

But, their effectiveness depends on the size of the air purifier, the type of filter used, and the source of the odor.

Air Purifiers and Smell

The answer is yes if you’re wondering whether air purifiers can help with bad smells.

Effectiveness on Odors

Air purifiers filter and remove particles that cause bad smells, such as smoke, pet dander, and cooking odors.

They use a combination of fans and a HEPA filter to erase airborne pollutants and larger particles from the air.

However, the effectiveness of purifiers largely depends on the type of filter they use.

Some filters are better at removing odors than others. For instance, activated carbon filters are excellent at removing odors from the air.


It’s important to note that air purifiers can’t eliminate all particles that can cause nasty smells.

According to the EPA, no air cleaner or filter can eliminate all the particles that can cause health problems.


Air purifiers can’t remove odors embedded in carpets, furniture, or other surfaces.

Overall, air purifiers can effectively reduce bad smells in your home, but they’re not a complete solution. 

If you’re dealing with persistent odors, you must determine the source of the smell and take steps to address it directly.

Benefits of Using Air Purifiers for Smell

Allergies and Asthma

Air purifiers can help reduce allergens and irritants that trigger allergies and asthma.

They filter out pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores that can cause respiratory problems.

Using an air purifier can breathe cleaner air and reduce your symptoms.

Reducing Airborne Contaminants

Air purifiers can also help eliminate unpleasant odors caused by smoke, cooking, pets, and other sources.

They filter and remove particles that cause bad smells, making your home smell fresher.


Air purifiers can remove harmful pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bacteria, improving the overall air quality in your home.

Using an air purifier can have numerous benefits for your health and well-being.

They can help reduce allergens and irritants that trigger allergies and asthma and eliminate unpleasant odors and harmful pollutants.

Consider investing in an air purifier to improve the air quality in your home and enjoy the benefits of cleaner air.

Considerations When Choosing an Air Purifier for Smell

If you want an air purifier to help with bad smells, there’re a few things to consider before purchasing.

First, ensure the air purifier has a HEPA filter, which can trap particles as small as 0.3 microns, including many odor-causing molecules.

Next, consider the room size where you’ll use the air purifier.

You also want to…

Purchase an air purifier with a CADR (Clear Air Delivery Rate) that matches the size of the room.

A higher CADR means the air purifier can clean the air faster.

Another factor to consider is the noise level.

Some air purifiers can be pretty loud, distracting, or even prevent you from using the air purifier at night.


Look for an air purifier with a noise level of 60 decibels or less.

Finally, consider any additional features that may be important to you, such as a timer, remote control, or air quality sensor.

These features can make the air purifier more convenient and help you get the most out of your purchase.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for a solution to remove unpleasant odors in your home or office, an air purifier may be just what you need.

They work by filtering and removing particles that cause odors.

An air purifier can absorb mold, bacteria, and other volatile organic compounds like benzene.

As a result…

It eliminates all the bad smells that can be harmful to your health.

By removing harmful particles and contaminants from the air, air purifiers can help improve the overall air quality and eliminate unwanted smells.

However, it’s important to note that an air purifier will only partially solve the problem of mold spores.

It’s best to address the root cause of the smell, such as cleaning or fixing the source of the odor.

Also, using the right air purifier limits exposure to smells that can trigger your asthma, allergies, or any respiratory condition.

Additionally, it’s important to choose the right type of air purifier for your specific needs and to properly maintain it to ensure optimal performance.

So, don’t let unpleasant smells ruin your day.

Invest in an air purifier today so you and your loved ones can breathe clean and fresh air. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can air purifiers help with odors?

Yes, air purifiers can help with odors caused by smoke, cooking, and pets.

They work by filtering the air and removing particles that cause bad smells.

However, they may differ in their ability to handle odors.

Do air purifiers help with animal smell?

Yes, air purifiers can help with animal smells by removing pet dander and hair from the air.


You must purchase an air purifier with a HEPA filter, which can capture tiny particles like pet dander.

It’s also important to regularly clean your air purifier’s filter to keep it working effectively.

Will an air purifier help with old house smell?

An air purifier can help with old house smells caused by mold, mildew, and dust.

Look for one with a filter designed to capture these particles.

It’s also necessary to address the source of the smell by cleaning and removing any mold or mildew.

Do air purifiers help with musty smell?

Yes, air purifiers can help with musty smells caused by mold and mildew.

Air purifiers can effectively remove odors caused by smoke, cooking, pets, mold, and mildew.

When purchasing an air purifier, look for a device with a True HEPA filter to handle the odor you want to eliminate.

Regularly cleaning and replacing the filter will also help keep your air purifier working effectively.