
Cool Mist Humidifier For Asthma: Is It Good?

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A humidifier that releases a cool mist helps to alleviate asthma symptoms

Asthma symptoms tend to intensify in cold, dry weather. As a result, there’s the need to moisturize the air; this is where a cool mist humidifier for asthma comes in handy.

Since you’re currently on this page, you’re most likely asthmatic. And so you know the importance of achieving and maintaining a precise balance in indoor humidity levels to breathe adequately.

If your indoor air is too dry and below 30% humidity, your asthma symptoms may flare.

And if the air is far too moist, that is, way above 50% humidity, this can also result in a whole new range of health issues.

So maintaining optimal humidity levels in your home is vital to keeping your asthma symptoms at bay.

Here is the good news: a cool mist effectively achieves an optimal balance, and many of these humidifiers are on the market.

However, these humidifiers can negatively impact your breathing if not adequately managed. And that you’ll soon learn in this article.

What type of humidifier is best for asthma?

First, to find the right humidifier for your needs, it would be best to figure out the kind of model that best suits your asthma.

Now, this is because there’re numerous models of humidifiers you can choose from.

So you must ensure you go for the model that will benefit you.

You’d also need to factor in the effect of temperature on your symptoms. If you’re looking for one that produces heat, you’ll need to opt for the steam vaporizer.

But if you don’t want your room’s temperature altered, you will likely go for the cool or warm mist humidifier.

You’d also be factoring in many important factors, including the size of the room in which you’ll be using it.

And if there’s a central heating and/or air system in the room, and the kind of system.

Is a cool mist humidifier good for asthma?

Yes, it is. A cool mist humidifier is an excellent apparatus to ease asthma symptoms and reduce asthma triggers.

These electrical devices function in a variety of ways. For example, some models use rotating disks and/or fans to create and disperse fine mist into the air.

Whereas more advanced models use disks that vibrate water at ultrasonic speed, creating invisible water molecules that are shot off into the air.

On getting into the air, these mists create an optimal humid environment that not only loosens up the nasal airways and eases asthma symptoms but also deters the growth and spread of airborne triggers such as molds and their spores.

Best Cool Mist Humidifier for Asthma

Before you decide which cool mist humidifier best suits your needs, you will need to consider a few critical factors, such as the presence of an Auto shut-off mechanism, multiple mist settings, the lighting features, and the coverage and runtime of the humidifier.

Best Budget Humidifier: AquaOasis

AquaOasis is one of the best affordable cool mist humidifier for asthma
AquaOasis Cool Mist Humidifier

AquaOasis is a cheap but highly effective cool mist humidifier for asthma. Therefore, assuming you’re on a stringent budget and looking for a simple humidifier to eliminate your asthma and allergy symptoms caused by dry air. It would be best if you opted for the AquaOasis humidifier.

This ultrasonic humidifier, with its multiple mist setting and 360-degree rotating nozzle, operates at whisper-quiet frequency.

Thus providing an ideal sleeping environment for you and the kids. AquaOasis.

It has a 2.2L water tank and automatic shut-off function for protection and operates continuously for longer than 24 hours.

However, click here to learn more about this device, including the 15 best cool mist humidifiers for alleviating your asthma and allergies.

The list was compiled based on value for money, manufacturers’ reputation, and users’ feedback.

What are the pros and cons of a cool mist humidifier?

Benefits of a Cool Mist Humidifier for asthma

  • In asthma patients, their airways swell or inflame, causing constriction and making it very difficult for them to breathe. A cool mist humidifier reduces such swellings and inflammation, making it ideal for asthma patients and allergy sufferers.
  •  A cool mist humidifier helps immensely to reduce the discomfort from dry skin, mouth, and throat, cold and nasal congestion.
  •  It is a safe and natural way to reduce asthma symptoms and prevent asthma attacks.
  •  Since it doesn’t have an element, a cool mist humidifier doesn’t cause skin burns and is thus considered child and pet-friendly.
  • Because of the absence of a heating unit, this humidifier model consumes less power and is, therefore, inexpensive to operate.
  •  Stops bleeding nose due to dry air in healthy persons.

Drawbacks of a Cool mist Humidifier for Asthma

  • When a cool mist humidifier uses mineralized or tap water, it leads to a buildup of mineral deposits in the form of a scaly substance at the base of the water tank. During operation, these minerals disperse into the air as whitish dust, settling on surfaces. It creates an unpleasant sight, and the dust can trigger an asthma attack.
  • A significant downside to cool mist humidifiers is that they tend to amass bacteria and other pathogens quickly. Moreover, they lack a heating element for sterilization, which makes the cool mist humidifiers prone to germs infestation, especially if you fail to wash them regularly.

How do you maintain a cool mist humidifier for asthma?

Cool mist humidifier For Asthma
Maintenance of a Cool Mist Humidifier
  • To prevent the accumulation of scales and the release of white dust from a cool mist humidifier, you should always use distilled water in the tank. Avoid using tap water or mineralized water.
  • You also endeavor to wash and disinfect your cool mist humidifier regularly, at least once weekly, with a vinegar solution.
  • Before you use the cool mist humidifier daily, please discard any water left in the tank, then rinse it thoroughly before refilling it. Changing out the water with every use helps prevent mold and bacteria growth.

How to clean and disinfect a cool mist humidifier

As previously mentioned, a cool mist humidifier is prone to mold and bacteria growth. So, while cleaning it, you should use a technique that involves some disinfection.

  • First, unplug the device from the power source. And then detach the water tank, filters, and other removable components. So clean the outside of the humidifier with soapy clothes and then rinse it with a clean and damp microfiber towel. Please note that you can wash other components with soap and water except for the filter. Then scrub the mineral deposit or scale from the water tank using a brush and vinegar.
  • Next, soak the filter in an undiluted vinegar solution for about 30 minutes. Also, pour some vinegar into the cool mist humidifier’s base tank, and wait 30 minutes. If there’s a stubborn buildup, gently scrub with a soft brush. Then rinse the tank and filter thoroughly to eradicate the vinegar smell.
  • Once the humidifier and its components dry up, re-install them and plug the unit.

If the humidifier has been in storage for a long time, it may be infected with mold, bacteria, and viruses.

In that case, you’d need to disinfect it before use. For proper disinfection, a 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution will get the job done.

Hydrogen peroxide being a natural disinfectant for mold is safe and effective. Mix four parts of water and one part of disinfectant.

Pour the solution into the water tank, and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Then empty and rinse the water tank, allowing it to dry before re-installing every component.

Alternatively, a white vinegar solution can also be used in place of hydrogen peroxide.


Cool mist humidifiers are one of the safest and most natural ways to reduce your asthma symptoms and prevent an asthma attack. By effectively utilizing a cool mist humidifier, you can significantly reduce your asthma manifestations and even the possibility of experiencing asthma flares.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are cool mist humidifiers good for the lungs?

Cool mist humidifier supplies moisture that keeps your air’s humidity indoors at an optimal level. In such a humid environment, your lungs, respiratory muscles, and nasal passages relax and perform optimally.

Does a cool mist humidifier help with asthma?

Yes, it does. Increased humidity alleviates breathing difficulties in adults and children with allergies and asthma. It’s equally effective in easing colds and other symptoms of respiratory infection.

Is a cool mist or warm mist humidifier better for asthma?

The Cool and Warm mist humidifiers are equally effective in moisturizing the air. Irrespective of whether the moisture started as warm or cool, the temperature is the same when water vapor gets to the nasal airways. Warm moist air helps to relax the lungs and nasal passages, allowing more air to get to your lungs and helping to restore your breath. But you should know that a warm mist humidifier, according to the FDA, causes swellings of the airways; hence it’s not permitted for use in a child. Click here for more helpful information on Warm Mist Vs. Cool mist humidifiers for asthma.