
Can humidifiers make you Cough? Here’s What You Need to Know

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Are you suffering from a cough and wondering if your humidifier is to blame?


Do you or someone you know have asthma and constantly suffers from wheezing and cough, wondering if a humidifier is responsible?

If so, you’re aware of how difficult it can be to manage the symptoms, especially when coughing attacks strike.

While a humidifier may seem like a logical solution to alleviate dry air and ease breathing, there’re situations where they may actually make things worse.

If you’re experiencing a persistent cough, you may wonder if your humidifier is to blame.

Humidifiers can help add moisture to dry indoor air, but at the same time, they can also cause health issues in some cases.


Understanding the potential causes of humidifier-induced coughing helps you determine whether your humidifier is responsible for your symptoms.


What you can do to ensure your humidifier is helping, not hurting your respiratory health.

In this blog post…

We’ll explore whether a humidifier can make you cough and how to avoid it.

So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let’s dive in!

So, Can a Humidifier Make You Cough?

Can a humidifier make you cough
Can a humidifier make you cough?

Yes, if you’re using a humidifier, you may experience coughing, but it’s not always the case.

One possible cause of coughing from a humidifier is that the device may spread germs or bacteria into the air.

This happens…

If you don’t clean your humidifier regularly, molds and microorganisms can accumulate in the tank.

When it runs, it can release these harmful particles into the air, causing respiratory irritation and coughing.

Sometimes, a misused humidifier can cause a sore throat before leading to a cough.

Another potential cause of humidifier-induced coughing is that the device may increase the humidity in your home too much.

When this happens, it can promote the growth of mold and mildew.

Inhaling the infected mist can result in humidifier lung, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory symptoms.

More so, if the air is too humid…

It can make it challenging for your body to regulate its temperature, which can also cause coughing.

However, a humidifier can relieve coughing by keeping the air moist when used correctly.

To avoid coughing, follow the instructions and clean the humidifier regularly.

How long does a humidifier lung last?

Humidifier lung, or hypersensitivity pneumonitis, can last for weeks to months.

Humidifier lung is a rare condition from breathing in bacteria or other harmful substances that have grown in a dirty or poorly maintained humidifier. 

The symptoms of humidifier lung can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and fever. 

The duration of humidifier lung can vary base on the sriousness of the condition and the individual’s overall health. 

In some instances…

Symptoms may improve within a few days or weeks with proper treatment, such as antibiotics and respiratory therapy.

However, the condition can lead to chronic respiratory problems in more severe cases and may require ongoing treatment.

The best way to prevent humidifier lung is to properly clean and maintain your humidifier according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

This includes regularly changing the water, cleaning the tank and other components, and using distilled water instead of tap water.

If you experience symptoms of humidifier lung, you must seek medical attention promptly to prevent further complications.

Factors That May Contribute to Coughing

Several factors can increase the risk of coughing when using a humidifier. These include:

  • Using a humidifier that’s too large for the room
  •  Not cleaning the humidifier regularly.
  •  Using tap water instead of distilled water
  •  Keeping the humidity level too high
  •  Having an underlying respiratory condition

How to Reduce the Risk of Coughing When Using a Humidifier

To reduce the risk of coughing when using a humidifier, follow these tips:

  • Use a humidifier that’s the right size for the room.
  •  Clean the humidifier regularly.
  •  Use distilled water instead of tap water.
  •  Keep the humidity level between 30% and 50%
  •  If you have an underlying respiratory condition, talk to your doctor before using a humidifier.

Other Side Effects of Using a Humidifier

Dry Skin

Using a humidifier can help relieve dry skin but can also cause it.

If the humidity level in your is too high, it can cause excessive sweating, leading to skin irritation and breakouts.

To avoid this, keep the humidity level between 30-50%.

Nasal Congestion

While you can use a humidifier to help cough, it can worsen if not used properly. 

If the humidity level is too increased, it can cause excess mucus production, leading to further congestion.

To avoid this, keep the humidity level within the advised threshold, and clean the humidifier regularly.

Mold and Bacteria Growth

A humidifier can create a breeding ground for mold and bacteria if not cleaned regularly….This can lead to respiratory problems and allergies.

To avoid this, clean the humidifier regularly and use distilled water instead of tap water.

Also, avoid using the humidifier for extended periods without a break.

How to Tell if Your Humidifier is Making You Sick

If you’re experiencing coughing, sneezing, or difficulty breathing, your humidifier may be to blame.

Here’s how to know for sure:

  • Check the humidity levels in your home. If they’re consistently above 50%, your humidifier may add too much moisture to the air.
  • Inspect your humidifier regularly for mold or bacteria growth. If you see any, it’s time to clean it thoroughly.
  • Pay attention to any changes in your symptoms when you turn your humidifier on or off. If your symptoms improve when the humidifier is off, it may contribute to your illness.

It’s important to note that not everyone will experience adverse effects from using a humidifier.

However, if you do notice symptoms, it’s best to take action to prevent further illness.


In conclusion, the answer is not straightforward if you’re coughing and wondering whether your humidifier is to blame.

A humidifier can help relieve coughing caused by dry air. Still, it can also aggravate a cough if misused.

While a humidifier can provide many benefits for your health and comfort, it’s essential to properly maintain it to avoid potential risks.

Remember to clean your humidifier regularly and use distilled water to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Also, be mindful of the humidity levels in your home.

If you’re using a humidifier to relieve coughing, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use it properly.

If your cough persists or worsens, consult a medical professional to rule out any underlying conditions. 

With these tips in mind, you can relish the benefits of a humidifier without worrying about it making you cough or causing other health issues.

Happy breathing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a humidifier make a cough worse?

Using a dirty humidifier or not cleaning it regularly can worsen your cough.

Also, when the humidity level in the room is too high, it creates an environment ideal for mold growth and dust mites

And this can trigger allergies and worsen a cough.

In addition…

If the humidifier is not cleaned and maintained correctly, it can release bacteria and other harmful particles into the air, exacerbating a cough.

However, when used correctly, a humidifier can help relieve a cough by keeping the air moist and reducing irritation in the throat and airways.


It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and clean and maintain the humidifier regularly to prevent the breeding of harmful organisms.

Can sleeping with a humidifier make you cough?

In some cases, sleeping with a humidifier can make you cough.

This is because if the humidity level in the room is too high, it can cause excess moisture in your airways, leading to congestion and coughing.

Additionally, if the humidifier isn’t cleaned adequately, it can become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria.

However, using a humidifier can help alleviate coughing and other respiratory symptoms in most cases.

This is because…

It adds moisture to dry indoor air, which can soothe irritated airways and help loosen mucus.

So if you’re experiencing coughing or other respiratory symptoms while using a humidifier…

Please check the humidity level in the room and ensure that the humidifier is clean and properly maintained.

What are the negative effects of humidifiers?

While humidifiers can be beneficial in adding moisture to dry indoor air, there can be some harmful effects if they are not used properly.

Here’re some of the potential adverse effects of using a humidifier:

  1. Mold growth: If a humidifier is not cleaned frequently, it can become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. This can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.
  2.  Over-humidification: Too much humidity in the air can lead to surface condensation and promote mold and bacteria growth. It can also cause structural damage to buildings and furniture.
  3.  Respiratory issues: If the humidity level is too high, breathing can be difficult, especially for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions.
  4.  Skin irritation: High humidity levels can cause skin irritation and exacerbate conditions like eczema.
  5.  Increased energy bills: A humidifier can increase energy bills, especially if used excessively or improperly.

It’s paramount to use a humidifier as directed and to clean it regularly to avoid these adverse effects.

Can too much humidifier make you cough?

Overusing a humidifier or setting it too high humidity can cause coughing and other respiratory problems.

Remember to clean your humidifier regularly and maintain proper humidity levels to avoid negative effects.