
Benefits of Humidifier for Asthma: 9 Reasons to Invest in One

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If you or someone you know has asthma, you may have heard about using a humidifier to help manage symptoms.

A humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air, and it can benefit people with asthma in many ways.

In fact, humidifiers have been shown to provide many benefits for those with asthma.

In this blog post, we’ll examine the 10 benefits of using a humidifier for asthma, from reducing symptoms to improving respiratory health.

So, let’s dive right in.

The Role of Humidity in Asthma: Why It Matters

If you have asthma, you know how difficult it can be to breathe when you’re experiencing an attack.

One factor that can make it even harder to breathe is humidity.

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture in the air, and it can have a significant impact on your asthma symptoms.

When the air is too humid, it contains more moisture, which makes it thicker.

This can make it harder for air to move through your airways, triggering an asthma attack.

But when the air is too dry, it can also be problematic for people with asthma.

Dry air can irritate your airways and make them more susceptible to inflammation.

This can make it easier for allergens and other irritants to trigger an asthma attack.

So it’s important to maintain a balanced humidity level indoors.

There are several ways to control the humidity in your home.

One option is to use a humidifier, which can add moisture to the air and help to keep your airways moist.

But you must use a humidifier properly to avoid making your symptoms worse.

For example, using a humidifier that is too large for your room can create too much moisture in the air. This can make it harder to breathe.

Another option is to use a dehumidifier, which can help to remove excess moisture from the air.

This can be particularly helpful if you live in a humid climate or if your home is prone to dampness.

Top 10 Humidifier Benefits for Asthma

1: Eases Breathing

If you have asthma, you know how difficult it can be to breathe when the air is too dry.

A humidifier can help ease your breathing by adding moisture to the air. When you breathe in moist air, it can help soothe your airways and reduce inflammation.

According to Healthgrades, humidifiers may relieve asthma symptoms for people who find that breathing dry air can aggravate their condition.

Humidifiers produce a warm or cool vapor mist that increases your home’s humidity…

If there is too little humidity inside your home, your airway passages may become dry.

A study published in the journal Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research found that using a humidifier for just 30 minutes a day can improve lung function in people with asthma.

The study also found that using a humidifier can reduce the need for asthma medication.

2: Reduces Irritation

Asthma can cause irritation in your airways, making it difficult to breathe.

Dry air can worsen this irritation, leading to more frequent asthma attacks.

When the air is too dry, your airways can become inflamed and irritated. This can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

When you use a humidifier, It adds moisture to the air, which is what you need to help reduce irritation in your airways.

Humidifiers can also help reduce irritation in your skin and eyes. Dry air can cause your skin to become dry and itchy and your eyes to become irritated.

3: Improves Sleep

If you suffer from asthma, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night’s sleep.

Asthma symptoms can make breathing hard and cause coughing, interrupting sleep.


Using a humidifier in your bedroom can help reduce these symptoms and improve the quality of your sleep.

When the air is too dry, it can irritate your airways and cause inflammation, making breathing difficult.

But a humidifier can help to soothe your airways and reduce inflammation. This can make it easier to breathe and sleep comfortably.

Besides helping you breathe easier, a humidifier can also help to reduce snoring.

When the air is too dry, it can cause the tissues in your throat to become dry and swollen, leading to snoring.

Adding moisture to the air helps reduce this swelling and reduce snoring.

When you run a humidifier in your bedroom, it can help to prevent your throat.

It can also prevent nasal passages from becoming dry and sore. This can help you get a cozy and comfortable sleep.

4: Reduces Allergens

When you run a humidifier, it can help reduce the amount of allergens in the air that can trigger asthma symptoms.

Allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander can be present in the air. They can cause irritation to the respiratory system.

By adding moisture to the air, humidifiers can help reduce the presence of these allergens.

Dust mites, for example, thrive in dry environments. By keeping the air moist, humidifiers can help prevent the growth of dust mites.

This can be especially helpful for people with allergies to dust mites, as it can reduce the severity of their symptoms.

In addition…

Humidifiers can also help reduce the amount of pollen in the air.

Pollen is an allergen that can cause irritation to the respiratory system. This is especially common during allergy season.

By keeping the air moist…

Humidifiers can help prevent pollen from becoming airborne. Thus, reduce the amount of pollen in the air.

Finally, humidifiers can also help reduce the amount of pet dander in the air. Pet dander is a common allergen that can cause irritation to the respiratory system.

By moisturizing the air, humidifiers can help prevent pet dander from becoming airborne. As a result, reduce the amount of pet dander in the air.

5: Reduced Asthma Attacks

Using a humidifier can help reduce the number of asthma attacks you experience.

Dry air can trigger asthma attacks. Dry air can irritate your airways and make it harder to breathe.

Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can reduce the risk of these attacks.

One study found that using a humidifier at night can improve lung function and reduce symptoms in people with asthma.

Another study found that using a humidifier in the home can reduce the risk of asthma attacks in children.

Besides reducing asthma attacks, a humidifier can help relieve other symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing.

6: Increases Air Quality

Asthma can cause inflammation in your airways, making it difficult to breathe.

Dry air can make this worse and trigger asthma symptoms.

Using a humidifier can help reduce inflammation and make it easier for you to breathe.

Humidifiers can also help improve the air quality in your home. 

The moisture can help reduce the number of airborne irritants, which can help improve your asthma symptoms.

7: Prevents Infections

Humidifiers can help prevent infections by keeping the air moist.

Dry air can cause your nasal passages and throat to become dry, making it easier for germs to enter your body and cause infections.

By keeping the air moist, a humidifier can help prevent these infections.

Humidifiers can also help prevent the spread of infections. When the air is dry, viruses and bacteria can travel more easily through the air.

When the air is moist, these particles become heavier and fall to the ground more quickly, reducing the risk of infection.

8: Saves Money on Medication

Using a humidifier can help you save money on asthma medication.

When your airways are dry, it can trigger asthma symptoms, and you may need to use your inhaler more often. This can lead to increased medication costs over time.

Using a humidifier can keep the air in your home moist. This can help reduce the frequency and severity of your asthma symptoms.

This means you may not need to use your inhaler as often, which can help you save money on medication costs.

Also, asthma attacks can be costly and time-consuming to treat.

A humidifier can help prevent asthma attacks and save money on emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

9: Enhances Overall Health

Using a humidifier can help improve your health. Dry air can cause skin irritation, dry eyes, and a scratchy throat.

By adding moisture to the air, a humidifier can help ease these symptoms.


Humidifiers can help prevent the spread of airborne viruses and bacteria. They thrive in dry environments.

A humidifier can help ease these issues by moisturizing the air, allowing you to sleep better.

Moreover, humidifiers can help reduce sinus congestion and other respiratory issues.

Dry air can cause your nasal passages to become dry and irritated, leading to congestion and other respiratory problems.

The Best Humidifier Settings for Asthma: Finding the Right Balance

When using a humidifier for asthma, finding the right balance is key.

While a humidifier can help alleviate asthma symptoms, misusing it can have the opposite effect.

So keep the humidity level between 30 and 50 percent. This range is ideal for most people and can help improve asthma symptoms.

Use a humidifier with a built-in hygrometer. It will allow you to monitor the humidity level in your home and adjust the humidifier accordingly.

Don’t over-humidify your home. Too much humidity can promote the growth of mold and dust mites, which can worsen asthma symptoms.

Use a humidifier with a timer. This will allow you to set the humidifier to turn off after a certain amount of time, which can help prevent over-humidification.


In conclusion, adding a humidifier to your home can benefit those who suffer from asthma.

Humidifiers can help reduce asthma symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

They can also help prevent dry skin, nosebleeds, and sore throats caused by dry air.

Also, humidifiers can help you sleep better by reducing snoring and improving your breathing.


Keep your home’s humidity levels under 60%, ideally 30-50%, to prevent mold growth.

Clean your humidifier often to prevent it from harboring mildew, bacteria, and fungi.

Be cautious not to run your humidifier nonstop or too high, as this can worsen asthma by making the air too humid.

Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels and adjust the humidifier accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I use a humidifier if I have asthma?

If dry air triggers your asthma, using a humidifier can provide relief for your symptoms. But, if allergens are present in your home, a humidifier may worsen your symptoms.

How can a humidifier improve your asthma symptoms?

A humidifier can help to soothe and lubricate the airways. It helps reduce irritation and inflammation of your airways.

As a result, it reduces the likelihood of your asthma symptoms being triggered.

Does sleeping with a humidifier help asthma?

Yes, sleeping with a humidifier can help relieve asthma symptoms.

Can a humidifier help with shortness of breath caused by asthma?

It depends on the cause of the shortness of breath. If the shortness of breath is caused by dry air irritating the airways, then a humidifier can help improve the symptoms.

The moist air can help to soothe your airways so you can breathe easily.

But, if the shortness of breath is caused by allergens in the air, a humidifier may not be helpful…

It could worsen the symptoms by creating a more hospitable environment for allergens like dust mites and mold.