Air Purifiers

9 Benefits of Air Purifier in Bedroom to exploit

Home » Air Purifiers » 9 Benefits of Air Purifier in Bedroom to exploit
The benefits of an Air Purifier in the Bedroom include the removal of odors, dander, allergens, and more.
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto fom Pexels

The benefits of an air purifier in the bedroom are outrageous, especially considering that we spend most of our lives there.

As a matter of fact, according to a survey conducted with 2000 participants, it was unraveled that an average American will spend nearly half his life in bed in the course of his existence. This amounts to a whopping 36 years.

This jaw-breaking revelation reinforces why you must keep your indoor air as clean as possible, especially in the bedroom.

This could turn out to be 36 years of pure comfort, perfect mental and physical health, or 36 years or less of discomfort, compromised physical and mental well-being.

In this article, I have rounded up the benefits you would experience from installing an air purifier in your bedroom.

And I also answered some frequently asked questions about running air purifiers in the bedroom.

What are the common air contaminants in the bedroom?

  1. Dust mites and dead skin cells: Because we spend a great deal of time in the bedroom, our mattresses tend to accumulate sweat and dead skin cells that we shed. Over time, these impurities amass and serve as food for dust mites to feed off, leading to an even more increase in dust mites.
  2.  Dust: The increase in dust mites and their activities leads to a corresponding elevation of dust in the bedroom. As a result, dust accumulates in mattresses, wardrobes, and under carpets, creating an eyesore and compromising the air quality.
  3.  Mold spores: Increased humidity levels can result in the spread of mold spores in your bedroom. In addition, the elevation of dust can also serve as an ingredient for mold growth in your bedroom.
  4.  Pet hairs and dander: If you’re a pet lover and share your bedroom space with your furry friend, it’s almost certain you would have pet hairs and dander hovering around in the air. It’s unavoidable. You may not see all of it, but they are right there.
  5.  Odors: If your bedroom is affected by any of the pollutants mentioned above, then it’s very likely, your air will accumulate unpleasant smells or odors, making your bedroom very uncomfortable to sleep in.

Is it good to have an air purifier in your bedroom?

Yes, it is. Your bedroom harbors many airborne contaminants, such as dust and dust mites, molds, hairs, pet dander, and odors.

You could reduce these harmful particles by cleaning your bedroom. Still, it would be best to combine manual cleaning with an air purifier for better results.

When you tend to your untidy surroundings, you disturb surfaces, and these impurities get suspended in the air. An air purifier will eliminate them as they rise into the air.

Besides, an air purifier can sense the presence of encroaching contaminants and remove them as they enter your space.

How long should you run an air purifier in the bedroom?

There’s no specific timeframe for how long an air purifier should run in the bedroom.

It depends on the size of your bedroom and the CADR of the machine.

For example, an air purifier may take 30 minutes to clean the air in a small room and about 2 hours or more in a medium to large-sized room.

However, if you wish to keep your bedroom clean round the clock, you could run the device 24/7.

There’s no downside to doing that.

But that would mean that the filters may accumulate dirt readily and need to be cleaned more often to avoid spreading pollutants in the air.

In addition, the filter life may be short-lived, depending on your air quality.

What are the benefits of air purifiers in the bedroom?

An air purifier cleans the bedroom and creates a cozy ambiance so you can sleep comfortably without pollutant interference.

There are so many reasons why an air purifier is important in your home and office.

But for this blog post…

Here are some advantages of having an air purifier in your bedroom.

1. Air Purification

Suppose you have no health issues but are just concerned about the safety of the air you inhale in your bedroom.

Then getting an air purifier can help reassure your safety by cleaning the air thoroughly of all impurities…

Be it particulate, chemical, or biological elements.

2. Mold spores and dust mites elimination

An air purifier is the best tool for removing all allergens in your bedroom. And this includes mold, dust mites, dander, and even pollen.

These harmful airborne pollutants can negatively affect your health if allowed to thrive in your bedroom.

Air purifiers with True HEPA filters remove airborne impurities as small as 0.3 microns.

So an air purifier tends to suck in all these contaminants and renders the air in your bedroom safe and breathable.

Moreover, some air purifiers utilize HEPA filters to capture mold spores in combination with technologies that kill them.

Click here for a review of the best Air Purifier that destroys mold.

3. Improved asthma and allergy symptoms

By reducing exposure to harmful allergens and asthma triggers in your sleeping space…

Air purifiers help dramatically reduce your asthma and allergy manifestations.

So if you want to keep your asthma and allergy symptoms at bay, you must get a HEPA air purifier for your bedroom.

This should be a crucial part of your asthma plan, as we spend about half our lives in the bedroom.

4. Reduced snoring

One of the benefits of an air purifier in the bedroom is reduced snoring. Nasal congestion is one of the significant causes of snoring.

The sufferers experience difficulty breathing due to congestion in the nasal airways, resulting in unpleasant sounds from the nasal passages.

However, air purifiers are known to decongest the nasal passages, resulting in the free flow of air in and out of the lungs…

Drastically reducing snoring in adults and babies.

5. Improved pet allergies

Assuming you’re a pet owner or a pet allergy sufferer. Then, an air purifier is a must-have in your home, especially your bedroom.

Air purifiers with True HEPA filters have been proven to help improve pet allergies…

Because they’re designed to trap pet dander, hairs, furs, and many pet impurities.

Built with an odor removal filter, air purifiers absorb all pet odors from indoors, leaving the air as clean as possible.

6. Scent and Odor removal

Air purifiers are popular for eliminating all kinds of odor in the bedroom.

An air purifier with an Activated Carbon filter absorbs all smells in the air, helping to keep your bedroom’s atmosphere clean and fresh.

In addition…

Some air purifiers come with sensors for monitoring air quality.

Once they detect the presence of odors or impurities, they immediately swing to action…

Removing all smells in the room, including the scent from your perfume.

7. Protect babies from airborne contamination.

Babies are prone to attacks from disease-causing organisms.

In addition, because their immune system is weak and still under-developed, they are very susceptible to airborne contaminants.

Installing an air purifier in your bedroom will help curb indoor pollution and reduce your baby’s exposure to such a harmful environment.

An air purifier rids your indoor air of such pathogens. It ensures your baby is in a clean and safe environment.

8. Sleep improvement

If you crave a cozy and comfortable sleeping environment, an air purifier can help you achieve that.

This is because an air purifier cleans and provides the best air quality in your bedroom…

And in turn, it creates an optimal sleep condition, so you can get the desired sleep in your bedroom.

In addition, with an air purifier, you can sleep with your mind at ease and unbothered, knowing the air you breathe in is clean and germ-free.

9. Improved health and general well-being

Continuous air purifier use in the bedroom helps reduce exposure to disease-causing agents.

This goes a long way in improving your physical and mental health and general well-being.

You can click here for more benefits of using an air purifier in the home.

What are the disadvantages of air purifiers in the bedroom?

  1. Ozone-emitting and Ionic air purifiers tend to generate ozone, which is a significant irritant even in small quantities. Ozone can cause severe respiratory issues. Hence, they should not be used in the bedroom or any part of your home.
  2.  Furthermore, the filter of air purifiers requires regular cleaning as instructed by the manufacturer. When you fail to clean regularly, it builds up dirt within the filters. This dirt is released into the air during the device’s operation, compromising the air quality and increasing your susceptibility to respiratory problems.
  3.  Some air purifier filters cost a lot to replace. So changing them becomes a problem when they’re due for replacement. Though rare, replacement filters can be challenging to get in some cases.

Is it OK to leave air purifiers on all night?

As earlier stated, operating an air purifier all night has no downsides. On the contrary, it ensures your air is immaculate.

The longer you leave your air purifier on, the cleaner your air becomes.

And this is what you want to achieve — An atmosphere free of germs and pollution.

Running an air purifier all night may be fantastic, but it does come with some overhead costs.

And this includes higher power consumption, and maintenance cost, such as cleaning the device and filter replacement.

However, here’s why you should sleep with your air purifier on.

Final Thoughts

The bedroom is the most essential part of your home that requires air purification because that’s where you spend most of your life.

This means that the quality of your health and lifespan largely depends on the air quality of your bedroom.

So, please ensure that the air in your bedroom is of the best quality so that you can breathe clean air, live a healthy life, and get the perfect sleep you want.

And an air purifier can help do the job.